Thursday, September 17, 2009

My New Do

I have been in something of a funk lately. This particular funk is multifaceted. Nearly all of the situations inducing said funk are out of my control. (What else is new?)

So what is a Dara to do? Chop off all of her hair. For those of you that don't know this about me I have what Ashley and I call hair bipolar disorder. She has it too. What happens is we grow our hair long, then when the time feels right (or for me when I am in a funk) we cut it short. Ashley takes this process a step further by changing her hair color every now and again. I don't do hair color, I am too low maintenence. Love you sister! :)

Today I took control of my funk and got my hair cut. I love the cut, and I feel just a little bit lighter.

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